Mission and Vision Statement

Annual Report

Click to read the report from the previous year on what we have accomplished so far including staff changes and major events.

Mission Statement

To advocate, seek equality, and promote self-determination through empowerment for those who seek our assistance; and to enhance the awareness and understanding of Deaf Culture and the unique communication needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals.

Vision Statement

Although we expect that the next 5 years toward the end of 2025, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center (DHHSC) may face unpredictable scenarios, we will adapt and modify delivery of needed services to our community. We will also provide a variety of exceptional social services to families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community in DHHSC’s service region. Our agency will seek more stable funding sources, further develop our staff’s skills, and build on our public relations efforts to expand our community presence in order to provide effective communication access to all individuals.

Strategic Plan for 2022-2027

Our Goals for 2022 – 2027
1. Provide system advocacy training to first respondents such as law enforcement, fire departments, hospitals, and county social services
Prioritizing hospitals, we will increase our outreach to local community services to provide system advocacy on behalf of the community we serve.
Due to high turnover in Child Protective Services (CPS) departments, we will offer ongoing Deaf-sensitivity training.
Provide education on interpreter accessibility, requesting interpreters, and pros/cons of using VRI.

Measurable objective: Improved access, including provision of interpreters, and services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals.
Timeline: Ongoing due to turnover in staff/personnel.

Accountability: Michelle Bronson tends to do the training for the agency.

2. Boost awareness of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Service Center through improved PR efforts
Emphasize to all current and future staff, Board members, and advisory council members that each of us is a “walking, talking (signing) PR machine.”
Investigate new possible strategies to raise our visibility in the community.
Work to increase the number of community partnerships through media and social media.
Develop additional page content for the DHHSC Board to maintain professionalism and increased visibility. This will provide Board specific email addresses, professional headshots of board members, agendas, minutes, and any other matters pertaining to the Board.
Make more use of impromptu video-based messaging, such as Facebook Live, as a way of reaching our community more immediately.
When planning for advertising any given event, take into consideration the target audience when deciding what method of messaging to prioritize, such as prioritizing videos over flyers when the audience will be primarily signing Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Measurable objective:  New clients, donors, volunteers, vendors, etc. for DHHSC.
Timeline:  Ongoing as our CDSS contract depends on the number of new or unduplicated clients.

Accountability:  Staff, Board members, and advisory council members are all responsible for PR efforts.  PR/Outreach Specialist will maintain the web page.

3. Provide more activity-oriented events and broad support for Deaf and Hard of Hearing special interest groups. *Special Interest Groups: DeafBlind, Deaf Senior Citizens, LGBTQIA+, Deaf People of Color, CODAs/KODAs, Deaf and Hard of Hearing youth and their families, Deaf Plus, and more.
At the request of our Deaf special interest groups, we will work with local leaders to plan trips that support their goals of enlarging and enriching their life experiences.
Agency will seek guidance from special interest group leaders on how to provide best support, services, and events that are tailored towards their groups.
The goal is to improve awareness of each group and set an open dialogue between groups to foster development of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community.
We will increase the frequency of workshops targeted to the life issues of our Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community.

Measurable objective:  Increased participation in workshops and events, as counted as grant and CDSS stats.
Timeline:  Ongoing as new issues arise and we learn how best to appropriately and ethically respond to Special Interest groups’ needs.

Accountability:  Staff and Board

4.  Continue efforts to develop, streamline, and fine-tune our online services that are provided through video-based platforms
Develop a list of guidelines for interpreters for online events, including how to adjust for multiple languages being voice interpreted.
Develop a list of guidelines for staff for online events, including, but not limited to:
Technical rules that clarify spotlighting process
Follow recommendations from HKNC when DeafBlind are participating in meetings
Ensure that appropriate accommodations such as CDIs are provided for essential DHHSC functions, such as Board meetings.

Measurable objective: Reduced complaints, improved clarity, and increased participation from the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community.
Timeline:  Efforts effective immediately

Accountability: Staff and Board members

5. Improve various fundraising venues with a planned focus on specific programs with higher need of service and agency stability.
More involvement by the community, staff, and the board of directors in fundraising efforts.
Develop a concentrated area of fundraising that can be maintained year-round such as selling specific products, or providing monthly events with a purpose of increasing funding to programs of interest/need.
Board participates in annual #GivingTuesday fundraiser.

Measurable objective: Increased revenues for DHHSC
Timeline: Ongoing as fundraising is year-round

Accountability: Staff and Board

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