Stand Up & Be Counted!

Stand Up & Be Counted text flyer
See the text-only flyer above the image for deaf-blind community members. Stand Up & Be Counted
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Fresno DHHSC Office
8 am – 9 am Breakfast
9 am – 10:30 am Community Comments
Share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, what you want to see at DHHSC. Your opinion counts.
10:30 am – 12 noon Board Meeting
12 pm to 1 pm Lunch – hosted by DHHSC Board & CADCV
(California Association of the Deaf Central Valley)
1 pm – 2 pm Dingo – hosted by DHHSC Board
2 pm CADCV Meeting
Breakfast $5.00
Lunch $7.00
Combo breakfast and lunch $10.00

View the Gala Program Book

Missed our fantastic 30th Anniversary Gala?

You can still view our program book. We have ads for the fantastic businesses that supported us, as well as interesting information about DHHSC’s history, our Mistress of Ceremonies JAC, and more!

CLICK HERE to view the program book. Please note that the resolution is lower than the original, to reduce file size online.

A Letter From Our Executive Director

September 10, 2013

Dear Friends of DHHSC:

I am excited to share that our local beloved deaf author who penned well-known books, such as “Chelsea” and “The Silent Garden,” has written a new book titled “Secrets from My Silent Eden.” This new book closely examines relationships, communication, and faith, three crucial elements essential for a healthy emotional and spiritual life, while providing glimpses into Dr. Paul Ogden’s life. While I am personally excited to read this book when it is released, I am also grateful and humbled that funds raised from sales of this book will benefit DHHSC. Two hundred copies of this book will be donated by Dr. and Mrs. Ogden’s close friends, Dan and Barbara Koontz. This is where I need your support: The hardcover edition of “Secrets from My Silent Eden” will be sold for $100 each, and your purchase will benefit ROCK (Reaching Out and Communicating with our Kids), our very special program for families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. Not only will you receive an autographed copy of this new book, your purchase can also be tax-deductible because DHHSC is a 501(c)3 community benefit organization. Thus, a win-win proposition!
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