Touched Hearts, Deaf Success Begins With You!

deafsucess From July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, DHHSC is running a fundraising campaign, which we are calling Touched Hearts, Deaf Success, to support our services to our Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community.

If you would like to make a donation through our Razoo page, please visit HERE.

If you would rather donate using Paypal, visit our Touched Hearts, Deaf Success page to donate in the form there. We also explain a lot more details on this page about this brand new campaign!

You are the key. We need your support. If you are not able to make a donation, we can still use your help raising funds. You can:

  • Share this post with your family and friends
  • Share our Touched Hearts, Deaf Success page
  • Share our Razoo fundraising page
  • Forward the e-mails that we will be sending out asking for your support.
  • Contact us at any office to ask how you can contribute!We thank each of you in advance for supporting our services to our community!

A Plea to Parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

By Jesse Lewis

You are the difference.

Your deaf child can thrive in life with your guidance or be overcome with countless obstacles that are not necessary. Life throws down enough obstacles in our path; we do not need more added.

Your deaf child can succeed. You can make that happen.

Your deaf child can be prepared for what life brings. You can make that happen.

Your deaf child can transcend barriers. You can make that happen.

Your deaf child can fail, if communication at home is weak. You can prevent this.

Your deaf child can be overwhelmed and unprepared for life without your lessons. You can change this.

Your deaf child can feel helpless against mounting barriers. You can show your child how to move past them. Read more

Boardwalk Deaf Fest 2013

“Joining hearts, hands, family and community as
we celebrate Northern California’s Deaf Community.

E V E N T PA C K A G E  I N C L U D E S :

• All-Day Rides Wristband
• Event T-Shirt
• Entry to Keith Wann’s World of ASL Comedy Show

T H E  F E S T I V A L A L S O I N C L U D E S :

• Performances by Singing Hands Children’s Choir at the beach amphitheater
• Deaf Community Awareness Booths
• Photo opportunity with the Boardwalk’s very own ‘Splash’ the Pelican
• ASL Interpreted History Tour of the Boardwalk. Tour space is limited. Reservations required.
• Mini Golf and Lazer Maze competitions”

Click here for the flyer: Boardwalk-Deaf-Fest-2013

Or visit the website:

***This is NOT a DHHSC event***