Flip for Funds

Come play with Coach Jill Nolen at Gymnastics Beat for the Flip-a-thon Saturday, November 7th from 5:30pm-7:30pm to benefit us(!), DHHSC. All athletes of all ages are welcome to attend and participate! You don’t even need to be a member of Gymnastics Beat to participate. There will be food, vendors, music, and the chance to show off your skills. You can choose one or more skills to earn donations with as seen on the flyer; the athlete who gets the most donations will receive 3 free months of once a week classes! Also, participants will get in for Open Gym [7:30-10pm] that night for only $5!
Gymnastics Beat will be collecting donations through November 13th; so even if you don’t have our sponsor form yet, please come get one at the event this Saturday! Let’s make this a fun social, so please bring your family and friends along for the fun!

For more information please contact Jill Nolen for more information! 🙂