Details of DHHSC Services


DHHSC works with all deaf and hard of hearing people, as a class, against any form of discrimination in employment, education, communication access, social services, housing, etc. We can assist agencies and individuals in understanding their obligations and rights under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Basic Computer Training

Learn basic computer skills from a signing instructor. Learn how to type letters, set up and email account, research information on the Internet, type a resume, learn how to enter data into a spreadsheet, troubleshooting, how to install software and hardware, and hook up a printer or a scanner.

Bookstore and Equipment Display

DHHSC'S bookstore sells books on deafness, Deaf culture, sign language and issues relating to hearing loss. We also display and demonstrate the various types of equipment we sell including alerting devices, TTY'S, close-caption decoders and other devices.

Community Education & Outreach

DHHSC maintains, updates and disseminates information on deafness, sign language, local resources and community events. DHHSC also conducts workshops and in-service training to foster a better understanding of the deaf and hard of hearing population.

Document Translation

If you receive a letter in the mail that you don't understand or have a form that you need help to complete, bring it by and we'll do it together.

Employment Assistance

DHHSC has contracts with the Department of Rehabilitation to provide our deaf and hard of hearing community members with job preparation and job placement services. Our Employment Specialist can provide:

  • Find a job
  • Make vocational choices
  • Develop application skills
  • Develop a resume
  • Job search (newspaper, phone book, computer)
  • Make employer contacts
  • Assist with proper clothing for work
  • Assist with transportation needs
  • Learn how to use an interpreter
  • Understanding employer expectations
  • Learn job accommodations/ assistive devices
  • Find job placement
  • Follow up for 90 days

For more information contact the Employment Specialist and make and appointment.

Independent Living Assistance

Do you want to know more about living and working independently? There is help for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people who need some training in improving their independence and becoming job-ready. The Independent Living Skills Program is here to help Deaf and Hard of Hearing people who are receiving DHHSC services to learn how to live more independently.

The ILS instructor at DHHSC can HELP you learn about the following topics:

  • Living on your own
  • Paying Bills
  • Job Preparation
  • Transportation
  • Improving English Skills and more
  • Budgeting Money
  • Taking Care of Personal Needs
  • Using Community Resources such as Interpreters, TTY's, and more...
  • Computer Classes
  • Awareness of Infant Care
  • Language and Social Instruction to deaf and hard of hearing adults who have immigrated here from other countries.
  • Community Awareness

The ILS instructor will also give support when needed to help solve everyday life problems. The ILS instructor is fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) and can accommodate Deaf and Hard of Hearing consumers that have different communication needs.

Information & Referral

We have a large collection of local, state, and national resources about deaf events, summer camps for deaf children, colleges, social service agencies, and much more! We have a wealth of information about sign language books, videotapes, or information about deaf culture, or why some people prefer hearing aids or cochlear implant.

Interpreter Referal Services

Looking for an interpreter? Call us today and we will find an interpreter for your communication needs.

Interpreting Services

DHHSC provides professional sign language interpreting services using the most highly qualified, certified and experienced interpreters available to facilitate communication between deaf and hearing people. Our interpreters abide by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) or American Consortium of Certified Interpreters (ACCI) Code of Ethics. We also provide phone interpreting, document assistance and oral and deaf-blind interpreting services. Please call your local DHHSC office for a fee schedule for interpreing services.

Job Counseling, Training & Placement

Vocational counseling, training to develop job seeking skills and assistance in job placement are available at DHHSC. DHHSC also works with employers and employment agencies to encourage the hiring of deaf and hard of hearing people.

Peer Counseling

Individual, group and family peer counseling is provided. Education sessions are also provided to Deaf and Hard of Hearing clients. Assistance will be provided in areas such as problem solving, decision-making, crisis intervention, referral, and communications and discrimination issues.

For more information contact the Peer Counselor.

Telephone Assistance

Need someone to help you make some telephone calls? We can interpret calls for you by voice or TTY.